Hūlili is a multidisciplinary forum for current research that examines the nature, needs, and strengths of Kānaka Maoli and Native Hawaiian communities. Through collaboration and critique, Hūlili fosters new connections and shared insights to mobilize greater Hawaiian well-being.
Hūlili is published by Kamehameha Publishing, a division of Kamehameha Schools.
Lua, a Way of Life: A Conversation with Five ‘Ōlohe Lua
Richard Kekumuikawaiokeola Paglinawan, Moses E. Kalauokalani, Nelson Kamilo Lara, Rodney Kahakauila Toledo, and Gordon ‘Umialiloalahanauokalakaua Kai
Hei, Hawaiian String Figures: Hawaiian Memory Culture and Mnemonic Practice
Kalani Akana
Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Instruction: Moving Forward by Looking Back
Joseph Keola Donaghy
Re-Placing Hawaiians in Dis Place We Call Home
Kali Fermantez
Hanohano Wailuanuiahoʻāno: Remembering, Recovering, and Writing Place
kuʻualoha hoʻomanawanui
Delbert Wakinekona: The Man behind the Supreme Court Case That Made Banishment Legal
Robert K. Merce