When a kaikamahine gets lured into the mysterious Honokawailani pond, her worried parents search for her only to discover the secret of the pond that won’t allow the girl to return back home. This legend of Waiau, on the ‘Ewa district of O‘ahu, is recalled by the students of Ke Kula Kaiapuni ‘o Waiau through the mo‘olelo of beloved Kupuna Sarah Keli‘ilolena Lum Chee Konia Nākoa.
The book was written and illustrated by the fourth-grade students of Ke Kula Kaiapuni ‘o Waiau during the 2008–2009 school year as a way to learn, preserve, and pass on the traditions of the ahupua‘a of Waiau. The book includes a bonus CD with an original oli and readings of the mo‘olelo.