KS Kapālama Bus Transportation
Kamehameha Schools provides bus transportation to and from Kapālama Campus for students living in rural and outlying areas of the island. Shuttle busses also transport students between the School Street bus terminal and campus both before and after school. Bussing is also provided for students on a limited basis for field trips, athletic, and other KSsponsored events and activities. Transportation for school-related events may consist of school buses, non-school bus vehicles or approved rental vehicles as KS deems prudent and/or necessary. Students are expected to follow and observe the Kamehameha Schools Bus Passenger Code of Conduct while being transported to and from school-related events.
What can you expect from the Transportation Department…
- The Mission of the Transportation Department is to help fulfill Pauahi’s Mission by providing safe, efficient, and cost effective transportation services for all of our Kamehameha students, faculty, and staff.
What can you do to help us serve you better…
- Familiarizing yourselves with our procedures
- Following all rules & safety guidelines at bus stops
- Actively participating in monitoring bus stops
- Immediately reporting any issues or concerns to the Transportation Department at (808) 842-8329.